Location: West of the fairgrounds on Clarendon Road
Size: 60-acre campground
Capacity: The 60-acre campground is located west of the fairgrounds on Clarendon Road. There are approximately 730 full/partial hook-up sites available for long-term reserved camping. These spaces are in the black, gold, red, yellow, and green sections and offer 50-amp service. Other amenities include three sewage waste dump stations, restrooms, shower facilities and free Wi-Fi, provided by GoNetspeed.
These sites are offered to returning long-term reserve customers. If you do not have a reserved site, you can request to be added to our waitlist for open sites. Please email campgrounds@mda.mo.gov to be added to the waitlist.
Long-term reserve sites become available when a current long-term reserve customer chooses not to renew their reservation. When this occurs, MSF contacts the next induvial on the waitlist to offer them the reservation.
Only unoccupied/forfeited sites are available to waitlist customers. Waitlist is utilized in order of waitlist number (oldest waitlist entries will be contacted first). Individuals will not be moved on the list unless sites are assigned.
Reserved spot rental is $495 ($45 per night) + mandatory $2 office processing fee. Long-term reserve customers must pay for entirety of the Fair (11 days) with reservation time starting the day prior to the Fair’s opening. Campers are free to add additional days to their reservation when the campground opens, starting August 1, 2025.
Payment for long-term reserve sites must accompany the password protected reservation form and signed code of conduct. Forms for returning long-term customers are emailed to their provided email address or mailed to provided mailing address.
Reservation and signed code of conduct forms are due back March 3, 2025. Any forms not received by 5:00PM; March 3, 2025 will not have their site renewed and will be subject to reassignment via the camping waitlist.
Can I sublet my campsite?
No, we do not allow the subletting of campsites.
Can I transfer my campsite to someone else’s name?
We do not allow the transfer of campsites due to our waitlist.
What do I do if I want to move to a different site?
You can request this on your paperwork and we will do our best to accommodate you.
What happens to my site if I don’t stay the whole time?
If you leave and do not plan on returning, the exit gate at the campground will collect your permit.
Who do I contact if there is an issue with campsite occupation?
You can contact the main campground booth or the business office at campgrounds@mda.mo.gov.
What do I do if I purchased a new camper and am not sure if it will fit in my site?
Make sure your footage is updated on your paperwork and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Who do I contact if I am having issues with my site when I am in the campground?
You will need to go to the main campground booth during the fair for assistance.
Reserved Campground Rules
General Information
- Campground is open 24 hours each day.
- Check out time is 8:00 p.m.
- Cash and major credit cards accepted.
- No refunds.
- Use tunnel as exit to enter fairgrounds.
- Campground is patrolled by Missouri State Highway Patrol and State Fair Campground Security.
- The Fair does not necessarily provide ample space for evacuation for all patrons should the campgrounds be at capacity.
- Upon final departure all permits are to be returned to the personnel at the exit gate.
Visitor Regulations
- A maximum of one visitor permit will be issued per campsite at one time. Permits must be obtained at the campground entrance.
- Visitors must have permit to enter or exit campground- permit must be attached to rearview mirror of vehicle at all times.
- Visitors will be charged a fee of $10.
- Visitors must park in designated areas. Parking is limited; visitors may park on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once lots are full, visitors must park in general parking.
Rules & Regulations
- Campground’s speed limit is 5 MPH.
- Camping permits must be attached to lower left side of windshield at all times.
- Exit and re-entry allowed only with permit attached to windshield.
- Transfer of permit from one vehicle to another is not allowed.
- A copy of the camping permit must be maintained in the RV at all times and must be presented upon exiting the campground.
- Campers and tow or towed vehicles must be parked in line making the best use of space, electric and water connections as directed by campground staff.
- Reserving or holding campsites is not permitted.
- Quiet hours will be observed from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. All radios, stereos, and all other audio equipment must be turned down during this time. No loud music is permitted to be played or broadcast at any time during quiet hours; all minors must be at their own site at quiet hours.
- No campfires.
- An adequate fire lane must be maintained at all times.
- No person under the age of 21 shall possess or consume alcoholic beverages within the campground. Anyone who possesses or consumes alcoholic beverages must provide identification and proof of age upon request.
- Responsible adult(s) will be held liable for any vandalism by minor children and will be required to pay for any damages.
- Firearms, paint guns, fireworks, explosives and weapons are prohibited and will result in the loss of camping privileges.
- All persons shall comply with all lawful instructions of the campgrounds staff or any police/security officer.
- All vehicles must exit through exit gate and enter at entrance gate.
- Tampering with utilities is prohibited. Opening, modifying or otherwise tampering with electric pedestals or other utilities will result in expulsion from the campground with no reimbursement of fees or expenses.
- Only one electrical outlet per camp-site allowed.
- In the event electrical circuits are overloaded, Missouri State Fair management reserves the right to curtail electrical service during exceptional demand periods.
- Golf cars only (no ATVs or UTVs) may be operated in the campgrounds in accordance with the Fair’s policy, with a permit. The fee has been set at $100.00. Golf cars may not be operated on city streets or on the fairgrounds. Signed golf car policy acknowledgement MUST be turned in to Campground Host or Business Office.
- Pets must stay inside paid camping area and be on a leash at all times. Be kind and clean up after your pet.
- All holding tanks must be dumped at dump station, not on ground.
- No vendors allowed except by contract with the Missouri State Fair.
- Please leave your campsite as clean as you found it. Place trash into trash containers.
- No swimming pools of any type are allowed in the campground.
- Handicapped parking must have a permit visible at all times.
- Tents must camp in designated tent camping area unless accompanying an RV or motorhome.
- Your camping home, awning, tent, EZ-up, materials, etc. must be within the marked off and paid campsite.
- Management reserves the right to make necessary changes in the rules and regulations to be in the best interest of the campground and to be in compliance with federal, state and local laws. Anyone refusing to abide by the rules and regulations or creating a disturbance will be asked to leave without refund. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
- A signed Code of Conduct form MUST be turned in to be eligible for camping privileges.
*Absolutely no coolers with alcoholic beverages will be allowed within the inner gates of the fairgrounds.
**No refunds. All problems regarding camping or fees must be directed to the campground office, located in the entrance booth on the north side of the public campground.
***In the event of circuit overloads, Fair management reserves the right to limit electrical service during exceptionally high-demand periods.
Public Camping Line Up Process
Please visit the Fair-Time Public Camping page for information on first come, first serve sites.
Contact Us
Have questions? Contact our team for assistance. For information about off-season camping, visit the Missouri State Fairgrounds website.
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