The Premium Guide, a comprehensive tool for State Fair exhibitors, is live on the Fair’s website.
NOTE: While these NEW items are listed, they do not replace exhibitor’s requirement for reading ALL of the General Rules & Regulation, Animal Health Requirements, and Department Rules & Regulations.
Poultry – Lane Falch
4-H/FFA Horse Show – Mikaila Livingston
4-H Building – Jim Sappington
Draft Horse Pull – Randy Conklin
New – Shows/Contests
- New rules and classes for 4-H/FFA Horse Show
- New breeds and classes
- New breeds and classes
- Additional scholarship money offered
- Charcuterie Board Contest
- Sourdough Baking Classes added
- Missouri Native Plant Show
- New classes
- New classes and regulations
- Location changed to the grass area north of the Sheep Pavilion. Date changed to the last weekend of the Fair
- New location; Lot 9 (Antique, Classic Tractor, Garden Tractor and Mini Rod Pulls)
New – Rules
Entry Deadline
- Livestock entry deadline is July 8 at 5:00 p.m. No late entries accepted.
Animal Health
- Updated rules and regulations provided by the Missouri Department of Agriculture Animal Health Department
- Animal health rule change requires cattle and swine exhibitors to provide a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI), completed by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days of the show. Cattle and swine must also be identified with an official form of identification. Swine will require a NUES tag and cattle will require an AID/RFID tag.
- Entry fees increased to $30.00 per entry. More than one vehicle per entry will be an additional $5.00 per vehicle added.