2024 Youth in Agriculture Sponsors

Platinum General Supporters

$2,000 & up

Betty Jane Bell Trust

BTC Bank (with locations in Albany, Beaman, Bethany, Boonville, Buffalo, Cameron, Carrollton, Chillicothe, Columbia, Fayette, Gallatin, Gilman City, Hardin, Jamesport, Maysville, Oregon, Osborn, Pattonsburg, Salisbury, Sedalia, Trenton, MO; and Lamoni, IA)

CFM Insurance, Inc.

Ditzfeld Transfer, Inc – Steve Ditzfeld

Edward Jones and the following Edward Jones Associates: Jeff Adams, Carrollton; Sabrina Basinger, Columbia; Jim Bonderer, Chillicothe; Alan Brandt, Warrensburg; Kevin J Brown, Bowling Green; Sabrina Brown, Brookfield; Kayla Caldwell, Louisiana; Darren Collier, Carthage; Stan Davis, Clinton; Ann Echelmeier, Columbia; Joe Eddy, Columbia; Nancy Erickson, Boliver; Joe Fluty, Sedalia; Evan Fluty, Sedalia; Bill Fretwell, Columbia; Scott Van Genderen, Topeka, KS; Patrick Goodknight, Joplin; Josh Hanley, Centralia; Tom Hissink, Nevada; Shannon Isaacson, Macon; Aubrey Johnson, Buffalo; Josh Keeler, Lebanon; Adam Kliethermes, Independence; Ryan Kliethermes, Independence; Rebecca Knepper, Blue Springs; George Koepp, Raytown; Derrick Krause, Marshall; Matt Kueny, Boonville; Brad Kurz, Hannibal; J. R. Lawless; Columbia, Tom Van Leer, Sedalia; Matt Logan, Pleasant Hill; JD Manning, Clinton; Brian Massey, Webb City; Mark Matthews, St. Joseph; Virgil McDonald, Sedalia; George Morse, Harrisonville; Spencer Morse, Harrisonville; Janette Padgitt, Maryville, Michael Persell, Lawson; Wade Peters, Trenton; Matt Peiter, Boonville; Jordan Raffety, Harrisonville; David Reid, Higginsville; Lance Reynolds, Boonville; Mike Rogers, Bethany; Carl Simpson, Butler; John Skinner, Blue Springs; Stacy Taylor, Macon; Ryan Tepen, Trenton; Jeff Tilley, Sedalia, Doug Turnbough, Odessa; Lori Watson, Harrisonville; Cole Welhoff, Harrisonville; Brian Yarbrough, Excelsior Springs

Farmers For Kehoe

FCS Financial

Fordyce Farms – Richard & Renee

Grandaddy’s Garden – Mark & Julie Wolfe

Guesa Concessions

Hayden Freedom Foundation


Legislators for Kehoe

MFA Incorporated, Charitable Foundation

MIssouri Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture

Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council “Brought to you by Missouri soybean farmers and their check-off.”

MIssouri Pork Association

Missouri State Fair Concessionaires: Allen Dennis Concessions Inc., Brackett Concessions, Brown’s Fudge Shop, Inc., Bud Stage, Corky Westmoreland Concessions, D & H Concessions, F & N Concessions, Fresh Lemonade CO., Finleys Concessions, Funhouse FX, Good Time Charlie’s, GreatLakes Concessions LLC, GUESA Grandstand Concessions, Hall Family Foods Inc, Jackson’s Smokehouse LLC, Karen’s Concessions, Lakeside Concessions, MC Foods, Mckinney Food Services, Shabby to Chic Boutique, Softub of the Ozarks, Talagios Pizza, Truck’s Place, Twildy’s Concessions, Versa Products, Webster Enterprises, Westmoreland Concessions

Missouri State Fair Foundation

Mizzou CAFNR Alumni Association

Mizzou, CAFNR, Division of Animal Sciences

Rodney Heimer

Simmons Bank

Sycamore Creek – Wayne, Anita and Ethan Vanderwert

Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners/Sydenstricker Genetics

The Climate FieldView Corporation

Wheeler Auctions & Real Estate and Wheeler Angus Farm

Gold General Supporters

$1,000 – $1,999

ADM Animal Nutrition/Moorman ShowTec

Ag-Power John Deere

Boggs Audio

Don’s Truck Towing & Truck Wash, Inc.

Dr. Sally Hubbard Trust

Fools Creek Land & Cattle – Charlie Rosenkrans

Grant Co. LLC

Grassland Beef, LLC

Kevin Roberts – Missouri State Fair Commissioner

Mike Kehoe – Missouri Lieutenant Governor

Missouri Cattlemen’s Association/Missouri Beef Cattleman Magazine

Missouri Corn Merchandising Council

Missouri Sheep Merchandising Council

Missouri Sheep Producers, Leon Busdieker, Ronnie Daines

Missouri State Rabbit Producers Association

Mizzou CAFNR

Mizzou Meat Market

MIzzou Sigma Alpha – Alpha Chi Sorority

Nutrien Ag Solutions

Silver General Supporters


Chuck, Christi, Abby & Ethan Miller

Chip & Nicky Kemp

Jason & Sherry Moore

Kent Show Feeds/Kent Nutrition Group, Inc.

MIssouri Beef Industry Council

Midwest Dairy Assoc.

Missouri Angus Association

Missouri Department of Conservation

Missouri Southern Seed Corporation

Mizzou Block and Bridle

Mizzou Independent Aggies

Sue King

Bronze General Supporters


Angell’s Western Wear & More

Association of MO Electric Cooperatives

Bob & Pam Idel

Brett, Paige & Miles Sayre

DeHaan Livestock

Ed & Rita Hesse

Exchange Bank of Missouri-Slater

Gasconade County Fair Foundation

Harmony Grove Farm/ Elizabeth & Mark Schlueter

Interstate Regional Stockyards, Inc.

Heiman Herefords – Terry Heiman

Jim Riley

Maplewood Acres Farm – Matt & Jennifer Boatright

Jim Russell Foundation – MIssouri Agribusiness Association (MO-Ag)

Missouri 4-H Foundation

Missouri Egg Council

Mizzou Sigma Alpha-Alpha Chi Sorority

MIssouri State Fair Rabbit Exhibitors

MIssouri State Fair Staff

Sharon & Kent Topliff

Show Me Ethanol, LLC

St. Charles County Fair

The Poultry Federation

Tony Benz

Wayne, Karen & Shannon Yokley

Zeitlow Distributing Co.

Thank you to the following Youth Dance Sponsors

FCS Financial

Lil MC

Ferrier’s Unlimited

MC Corn Dog


MC Place

Mid-Missouri Feed

MC Smoke

Petey’s Ice Cream

Missouri State Fair Foundation

Sullivan Supply

Creative Signs by R&H