The Amazing Bubble Factory

Amazing Bubble Factory

Date and Time

Thursday, August 8 - Sunday, August 18

  • First Performance (Aug 8-18): 11:30 am
  • Second Performance (Aug 8-18): 12:30 pm
  • Third Performance (Aug 8-18): 1:30 pm
  • Fourth Performance (Aug 8-18): 2:30 pm
  • Fifth Performance (Aug 8-18): 3:30 pm
  • Sixth Performance (Aug 8-18): 4:30 pm
  • Seventh Performance (Aug 8-17): 5:30 pm
  • Eighth Performance (Aug 8-17): 6:30 pm



Location: North of the Kid’s Stage/Kids Zone

The Amazing Bubble Factory brings the amazing art of bubbles to life right in front of your eyes! A self proclaimed Bubbleologist, Jamie’s brand of humor and showmanship is both exciting and entertaining as he creates thousands of bubbles. Producing bubbles from the size of a pea to the size of a minivan, The Amazing Bubble Factory makes a product that lightens the heart and brings everyone back to their childhood regardless of age.

The Amazing Bubble Factory Shows are performed in a turn of the century “medicine man” theme with live music, bells, fast talking, audience participation, smiles, laughs, and, of course, Bubbles!